It's been many years, but I think I finally have something to say. In the past 7 years, I left England after falling hopelessly in love with the country and people, finished up college in Arizona, moved back home to Maui to be a phlebotomist (worst year ever), went to medical school in the Middle (aka the Midwest -- it's all just about the same: snowy, flat, and people with funny accents), and now been a doctor for over a year which brings me to:
I survived intern year (just barely) doing time in a year of pediatrics at a busy top ranked children's hospital. Actually, it was beyond busy. Finding time to breathe was a plus, and the whole "eat when you can, pee when you can, sleep when you can" was definitely true. I even had medical students get on my case for not having eaten since breakfast; they said my Trader Joe's fruit leathers or caffienated Sports Beans (thank you Jelly Belly) didn't count as a meal.
Needless to say, I did make it through the year, despite the many times that I just wanted to hide in my sock drawer and sleep for days. I guess I did learn something seeing that I am no longer terrified of children, and I can unwrap a baby and wrap them back up. I am still leery about picking up a baby. I like kids who are interactive and fun. And I feel even more strongly that kids shouldn't be sick... thanks to my time in the HOT unit (heme/onc/transplant). (One of the strongest kids I met was a 4 year old with cancer. He had more energy than everyone in the unit, he ran circles (literally) around the nurses' station. I tried playing with him one night while I was on call, and at 10pm, I was tired... he was an Energizer Bunny.) Every time a new diagnosis of cancer came in, I wanted to cry; and I learned that there is a fine line between doing something to someone and not for them.
Now I'm off to the land of anesthesia. It's definitely a different course than I had anticipated for myself even 2 years ago, but it will work out. Three more years of residency, then off to attending-hood. Who knows what'll happen between now and then (aside from many nights in the hospital, passing gas, waking up early in the morning...). I guess I'll find out as I go along the road. Here's to 30 June 2013!